Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hey....where am I?

Do you ever have those weeks where you are so busy that you can't get anything done but then you wonder what you were so busy doing if nothing is done????

So my friend, Heather who also is a fellow fussy baby mama, says that her pediatrician told her that colic is over at 6 months and that now her baby is just cranky(at 9 mos). Helloooooooo dr know it all, that is precisely my point. The colic part is over....the late night constant screaming and so on. But it seems that these babies continue on to have an overall disposition that just seems to be somewhat unhappy. Some days it makes me so sad. I really need some doctors to get on the boat and validate this stuff. Do they have any idea what it makes a mom feel like when you tell her, "she's just a cranky baby" WHY IS MY BABY CRANKY??????

Dr. Sears feels like it is part of an overall temperament in these kids. Ok, I can buy that, but it seems that there has to be more.

So now I am starting a new book....The Crying Baby by Sheila Kitzinger. She is very big on the midwife/homebirth/natural birth scene and I am interested in what she has to say. I will keep you posted.

I guess I just want to know what I can do to make sure this fussy child, whether it is some type of physical pain or just his personality, is as secure, happy and successful as possible. I want to be sure I am doing the right things for him. I want to know if there is anything I can do to make his world easier to deal with.......and mine too.

1 comment:

Sharan Marion said...

I will be interested in what this lady has to say about the "cranky" child. Here is the brother was just born to be a dork...a nerd and not do anything "bad"....he was just born that way and he is still that way to this day. I was born to do all things stupid and learn everything the hard way. I am the one who was born to be wild! It still creeps in there know what I mean? Does this make any sense at all?? I think that people are born with certain tendancies and that is just how God made them....I look at how I was as a child and teenager and God got me back by me having Ryan...ha ha ha!! Although, I never pulled some of the things that Ryan has pulled.....Ryan was a cranky baby/child and still is cranky today...just has that unhappy disposition. Jennifer was born the other way...she is just happy-go-lucky and bouces back from anything and is a pleasure to be around and we are very close! Ryan pushes me away and rubs my nose in it. Okay, I have had wayyy to much coffee tonight and am rambling on and on. We will just have to get together and TALK sometime. I love you and miss you. Sharan