Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bring on the milestones....and the fussies

So it seems that "un-fussy" babies can become fussy when they begin to reach milestones as it is a time of much processing for them. Well, Jude is moving right along...fussies and all. It seems that in two weeks he has started sitting up from a lying position(and if he does this in his crib at night, he can't figure out how to lie back down...argh!), crawling and saying "UH-OH." When he isn't doing that, he needs to be held and allowed to fuss a bit here and there. Our arms are getting their workouts once again. But it is so exciting to see him seeing the world in a new way and I know that we are coming closer to that one year mark where they seem to grow even faster right before your eyes.

He is sleeping better at night. We left the ped last time with the Prevacid and we are still waiting to see if it helps with the tummy troubles. We are getting up about twice a night....once to help him lie back down and once at around 4am to eat. Because I need to help keep up my milk supply while working, I haven't tried to get rid of the night feedings. I will start that in July.

I have begun my doula training process and I think that Jude has actually become a little more calm and happy. I think that I have been happier and feeling more fulfilled as I finally feel like I am pursuing a calling on my life and doing something that I really desire to do. It seems that he can almost "sense" that and it calms him also. This is important in my being more conscious in how I deal with stress. I wonder if colicky/fussy babies have a stronger "radar" for mom and/or dad's stress levels and anxiety. Working so much at the gym has been a HUGE stress for me and for the family as a whole. Perhaps we'll all get some relief as I follow my call......

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